Unity Engine & C#
Main engine. Work for different platforms: PC(Windows)/WebGL/Android/IOS
.NET Backend
Backend integration, creating libraries to access different signatures and communicate with the frontend. Also using SQL/SQLite databases.
Playfab and Different Services
Integration of inventory systems and loading of data into the player's data storage system. In addition, for linking with location systems. Among the different services are AWS (EC2, S3), Azure (for deployments), Firebase, etc.
Photon Pun, Chat, Voice, Fusion 2
Netcode for GameObjects
Full authority/Hybrid/Non-Authority
Design Patterns
Use of best practices and SOLID principles.
Test Driven Development
Start developing code based on tests or integrating tests into legacy code.
Currently using the program “Fork”, although I have also worked with the terminal, GitHub Desktop, SourceTree and Rider.
Use of different repositories: Github/GitLab/Bitbucket
Work environments
Daily Task: Jira/Trello/Miro/Slack/Discord/Microsoft Teams/Figma
Documentation: Notion/Confluence/Google Docs/Sheets
New Technologies
Always willing to learn new technologies. Currently developing a personal project involving DOTS, New Input Systemn, Unity 6 and UI TOOLKIT.
Unreal Engine 5
I am currently training on the engine which I already know a lot about. Doing projects that require C++.
Web3 Technology
I have extensive experience integrating different Blockchains in Unity. Using Packages such as ChainSafe/ThirdWeb/MetamaskAPI/Moralis/SolanaAPI.
Common Plugins
Whenever possible, I use Plugins/Tools in my daily work that make my job easier. Odin, Cinemachine, Rider, Editor Tools, Post Procesing (Volumes), Localizacion, etc.
Spanish is my native Language. English: B2 Level (In constant practice to improve it)